20 Project Manager Resumes & Full Guide PDF & Word

20 Project Manager Resumes & Full Guide PDF & Word

You’ll need to find a way to highlight your knowledge and skills in your resume. Virtually all IT project manager resumes should follow the reverse chronological resume format. Start with your most recent position and work backwards until you’ve listed all relevant experiences of the past 10 years. Under each heading, create lists of up to five bullet points. Your bullet points are prime resume real estate where you can convey your accomplishments, duties and skills, choosing the most relevant examples based on the job posting. If you need some help organizing and writing your project manager resume, Monster Resume Services has a proven methodology for creating winning resumes.

We recommended starting the resume writing process by checking out the top-notch Project Manager resume examples from your industry first, to get inspired before you start writing. Resume Builder offers free, HR-approved resume templates to help you create a professional resume in minutes. Choose from several template options and even pre-populate a resume from your LinkedIn profile. Create an account to save your progress and multiple versions, plus download as a PDF. Feature relevant, strong project manager skills that are required in the job application. Use action verbs to highlight the work you achieved as a project manager. Whenever you’re applying for a new job, it’s always good practice to optimize your resume for ATS software.

You’ll get instant access to the editable resume template – no strings attached.

Your resume can show that you’ve previously worked as a marketer, but it’s not going to tell the recruiter why you’re making the change. This summary concisely tells them exactly why you’re applying for this job. That context makes all of the other information on your resume more informative. Examples like these show what you’ve achieved, but more than that they show attention to detail. A recruiter who reads these achievements can imagine what you’re like as a project manager and that’s exactly what you want them to imagine.

What are some examples of project manager resumes?

If you’re not sure where to start while creating your resume or cover letter, then you can always look at a project manager resume sample.

Experience using software and cloud-based applications to track projects and control costs. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the how to become a project manager number of jobs available in the management occupations is expected to grow by 7% between 2018 and 2028, creating nearly 707,000 new jobs.

important soft skills to include in your resume for Project Manager jobs:

As a project manager, it’s essential you pay attention to your resume’s formatting. Remember that you don’t have to (and shouldn’t) list every skill in your toolbox.

  • In this resume template, the skills and education sections complement the work experience.
  • If you’re an entry-level project manager, you should include relevant classes you took in school that will convince the hiring manager you’ll make for an effective PM.
  • I enjoy helping others find their perfect job by offering creative writing tips and an in-depth look at an industry’s hiring process.
  • Include your job title and years of experience, and provide a few brief examples of your project manager job responsibilities.
  • Include keywords that will help hiring managers index your resume in a glance.

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